Wednesday, November 9, 2022



Homelessness in Communities

Homeless has increased since the pandemic and that isn't surprising since many businesses had to close and people started losing their jobs. 

According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) "estimated that 64,144 people were experiencing homelessness in LA county and a 4.1% increase from 2020.  

Homeless has become the main issue in LA and is more relevant now since there is an election and both candidates have promised to make sure thousands of homeless people are off the streets in the first year. 
According to a poll by the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California "over 60% of voters across the city of Los Angeles are saying that homelessness is a top priority in the upcoming mayoral race". 
 Survey was sponsored by the "LA times and the university of California, Berkeley". 

How does this issue affect me?

I believe this social issue affects me because there are many homeless encampments in my neighborhood since the pandemic. There were many sidewalks being blocked by homeless encampments and a lot of trash on the street which I wasn't a fan of. I have also walked by many homeless people walking with metal objects and at any moment they could decide to attack you. It also doesn't seem fair to us that we are being charged a lot of money for rent and the neighborhood is full of encampments. I have also seen many homeless opining the bins and throwing the trash on the ground for no reason which makes our neighborhood look dirty. My views towards homelessness have changed over the years as I have personally witnessed many negative actions made by them in my neighborhood. I feel like our leaders have taken a lenient position on homeless people that it gives little hope anything will change. I remember reading about activists being against the removal of homeless encampments from Echo park even though the people who lived their wanted them gone. Reading that story bothered me because it wasn't fair to the people who pay money to live in that area. There is a park a few blocks from where I live and I remember the park filled with homeless encampments and no one wanted to go to that park anymore since it felt dangerous. 

I chose this issue because the homeless problem has increased over time and there are so many encampments in many areas such as parks and sidewalks. It also feels like our leaders have failed us in keeping their promises of decreasing homeless. I think there are many clear factors to why so many people end up homeless for example in LA apartments are really expensive and not many people can afford it. 
I remember seeing on the news that many people in the same neighborhood as me were talking to the news and showing their anger at nothing being done since there was 3 schools around homeless encampments and the sidewalks were being blocked. All three schools had students under the age of 13 walking by the encampments which can be dangerous because at any moment something bad can happen. 

Questions asked in the short interview
Does Homelessness affect you? What needs to be done about homelessness? Are they doing enough?

Jaime Ruiz

Homeless no me affecta a mi. 

Yo creo que los lideres de Los Angeles necesitan ayudar a los homeless 

Pueden acer mas para ellos. 

Translation- Homeless doesn't affect me. 

I think our leaders of Los Angeles need to help the homeless.

I think our leaders can do more for them. 

Julia Choz- 

Si me a afectado porque no se puede caminar y da miedo. 

El que esta encargado de la area tiene que acer algo para que los homeless no esta en la calle. 

No creo que esta haciendo algo por eso estan en la calle. 


Yes it does affect me because you cannot walk on the sidewalk and it is scary.

The one who is in charge of the area has to do something to get the homeless of the street.

I don't think they are doing anything that's why there are so many homeless in the street.

Hall, Matthew. “Homeless Count Reports a 4% Increase but a 17% Jump in Encampments.” Santa Monica Daily Press, 10 Sept. 2022, 

“LAHSA Releases 2022 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Results.” Go to Main LAHSA Website, 

Victor. “At Least 61% of La Voters Say Homelessness Is a Top Priority in the Upcoming Mayoral Race: Victor.” NewsBreak Original, NewsBreak Original, 12 May 2022, 

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