Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Predators Among Us



Hi my name is Julia, and I don’t like these Predators in our streets.  

 A focus on San Gabriel and surrounding cities.

My issue is, you wouldn’t necessarily know that someone is a predator solely by looking at them 

Predators should have to wear a bracelet similar to an ankle monitor that lets people know just by looking at them that they are not safe around children. 

“These are real monsters and we’re going to put the monsters away for a long, long time. I don’t want to read about anymore of these kids dying because of sexual predators attacking and maiming and killing these kids in the most dreadful way.” — FL Senator Eleanor Sobel [Tonya Alanez and Dana Williams, “State senators pass sex offender legislation.” Sun-Sentinel, March 4, 2014]

Please note* On the contrary for the citizens sake, crimes such as physically attacking the “bracelet wearer” especially if they are just leading a normal task with out any suspicious activities then regular laws would apply in terms of physical assault. Physical assault is not condoned. 


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Here is a true or false myths quiz on offenders:

    Most men who commit sexual offenses do not know their victim.

False. 90% of child victims know their offender, with almost half of the offenders being a family member. Of sexual assaults against people age 12 and up, approximately 80% of the victims know the offender.

    Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim.

True. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim. An exception to this is that people who commit sexual assault against Native Americans are usually not Native American (American Indians and Crime, 1999).

   Most child sexual abusers use physical force or threat to gain compliance from their victims.

False. In the majority of cases, abusers gain access to their victims through deception and enticement, seldom using force. Abuse typically occurs within a long-term, ongoing relationship between the offender and victim and escalates over time.

   Most child sexual abusers find their victims by frequenting such places as schoolyards and playgrounds.

False. Most child sexual abusers offend against children whom they know and with whom they have established a relationship. Many sexual assaults of adult women are considered "confidence rapes," in that the offender knows the victim and has used that familiarity to gain access to her.

   Only men commit sexual assault.

False. While most sex offenders are male, sometimes sex offenses are committed by female offenders.

   Child sexual abusers are only attracted to children and are not capable of appropriate sexual relationships.

False. While there is a small subset of child sexual abusers who are exclusively attracted to children, the majority of the individuals who sexually abuse children are (or have previously been) attracted to adults.

   Victims of sexual assault are harmed only when offenders use force.

False. More than any physical injuries the victim sustains, the violation of trust.

This social issue directly affects me because I have been a victim of these predators and I believe for a safer world society it should be made clear who is criminals are I don’t think they should be hidden or protected since they have decided to rob people of their innocence.

I chose this issue because I have younger siblings that I care about very much and I would like to protect them as much as possible.  

Community Statements

 Noah B. 23year old from Montebello, California and he says “Most definitely, I would want to I known if my kids were near a child predator, get that ****** away from them.”

Vivian L. 20year old from Arcadia, California “ I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to knowing if im near a predator.”

Sarah I. 23years old “ I don’t see how monitors on sex offenders are a bad thing” 

If you also believe that these predators should not be hidden in plain sight, then please join me in on this.

Julia K. Knox

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