"...when the experience of stress becomes chronic, our biological responses to stress can impair our physical and mental health." -American Psychological Association
As summer ends and a new semester begins, thousands of college students return to campus to begin what they hope will be a good semester. A semester that many will find has a great start; not much homework, getting to know the class, and overall a steady ride. It is around midterms when many experiences the stress of keeping up with multiple classes, meeting deadlines, and maintaining a balance between work, life, and school. One missed homework assignment can lower a student’s grade to the point of it being nearly impossible to gain back the letter grade that’s been lost. The accumulation of stress can result in a student’s mental health taking a toll that will continue to be felt for the following semesters. The stress associated with the college experience can result in many dropping out, falling behind, and questioning if it is worth it. Cal State Los Angeles has shown a lack of attention to the stressful environment that has caused its students to feel an adverse effect on their mental health, thus impacting their class performance.
So What Is The Problem?
The Chicago Tribune reports that universities across the country are facing a crisis that is being primarily undermined. The crisis refers to the stigma and growing statistics of students’ mental health deteriorating (Lamb, 2022). Universities can neglect the impact one’s mental health can have on their overall academic performance and private life. Universities can argue that they prioritize their students’ well-being; however, the college experience they have cultured says otherwise.
The American Addictions Center surveyed 980 college students and found that:
87.9% reported a stressful school life
- The causes of stress in a college student’s life are as follows:
-Image from the AAC website - Across all majors, all college students reported experiencing stress on a scale of 1-7. Stressful began with five and ended with extremely stressful on number 7; The scale across all majors ranged from 5.0 being the lowest and 5.7 being the highest.
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-Image from Today.com, from an article discussing mental health during the pandemic: https://www.today.com/health/stress-america-study-how-americans-can-support-mental-health-t211341 |
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-Image from American College Health Association: National College Health Assessment |
The Statistics in the image above are from the Spring 2022 report from The American College Health Association. The chart on the left accounts for all students in the sample who were negatively impacted in academic performance, and the right is for only students that experienced the issue (ACHA, 2022). The highest percentage in both charts is stress, totaling 41.3% and 54.4% (ACHA, 2022). Those percentages are the total numbers, not the ratio for a specific group.
Musculoskeletal system: Stress can cause muscles to tense up and cause muscle pain, creating other tension-related conditions such as migraine headaches (APA, 2018).
Respiratory System: Stress can cause disruptions in persons breathing patterns, such as hyperventilation which can cause people to have a panic attack or asthma attack if they are prone to it (APA, 2018).
Cardiovascular system: Chronic stress can increase the risk of "Hypertension, heart attack, or stroke," and small short-term doses of stress mainly release stress hormones such as adrenaline (APA,2018).
Gastrointestinal system: Stress can impact this system differently, such as spasms in the esophagus, stomach discomfort, and disruption of the bowels (APA,2018).
Nervous system: The nervous system modulates stress reactions, so long-term stress on the body can drain the body, making it difficult to regulate one's response to new stressors; The body will remain under pressure despite no external stressors (APA,2018).
Mental health has carried a stigma since I was a kid, from elementary to now. The number of times the amount of homework given would cause me to break down. The stress wasn’t so much about my inability to do it; it came from knowing that I wouldn't be forgiven if I failed to turn in all the work. It wouldn’t matter if my body couldn’t handle the stress, getting sick, or a family emergency. I miss one day, and my grade drops two letters, while one 10/10 assignment will do nothing to raise it. I’ve seen classmates' mental health hit because of the stress of maintaining excellent academic performance. Educational systems preach about how their students are their priority and that if they need help, they can trust their educators and services. The memory of seeing a teacher tell a student to get out of his class because she failed to turn in homework for the day has always stuck with me. According to him, she shouldn’t be in his class if she prioritizes family over his class. This incident was in high school, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen in university. Classmates at Cal State La have told me stories about professors not understanding.
The question is why I choose this issue and how it affects me directly. Maintaining a smooth college experience has caused me to neglect my mental health. It didn’t matter that I and others would often forgo sleep to work on a project or bottle up how we felt as long as we passed the semester. I picked this issue because I don’t want other students to deal with the same stress and worse. A student's mental health should be the school's priority. Their mental health will impact their school performance and life in general. As a diverse school, Cal State La should be more empathetic to its students' circumstances.
What does the community think?
Students agree that stress has impacted them in some way, shape, or form. Here are a few interviews and what current students want to say about the issue.
"Stress is one of the main concerns for students at CSULA. We need more classes available for students and resources to help reduce stress amongst students."
-Jenifer Manzano Munoz
"I feel like we need more support and resources for student's can de-stress themself especially during midterms and final months."
-Ethan Vielma
"I believe that Cal State La isn't doing enough for their students in terms of accommodating for their stress-inducing lives. Students are expected to be on time, or else their grade drops by one letter grade, I am currently experiencing this dilemma due to living far away and having personal responsibilities to my family. Having my grade dropped for something so trivial as attendance is outrageous. Teachers should be more understanding and prep online slide lectures for those who can't make it to campus for whatever reason as long as the work is getting done, there shouldn't be any problems. Professors should try to check in with their student's well-being. If left unaddressed, it can affect their academic performance as their personal life in the long run."
-Jesus Diaz
American Addiction Center Editorial Staff. (2022, September 13). School stress for college students and unhealthy coping mechanisms. American Addiction Centers. Retrieved 2022, from https://americanaddictioncenters.org/blog/college-coping-mechanisms
Reese Druckenmiller, L. I. C. S. W. (2022, August 5). College students and Depression. Mayo Clinic Health System. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/college-students-and-depression
American Psychological Association. (2007, October 24). Stress a major health problem in the U. S. , warns APA [Press release]. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2007/10/stress
College students. The American Institute of Stress. (2022, March 30). Retrieved 2022, from https://www.stress.org/college-students
American Psychological Association. (2018, November 1). Stress effects on the body. https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/body
ACHA. (2022). Publications and reports: ACHA-NCHA III. American College Health Association National College Health Assessment. Retrieved 2022, from https://www.acha.org/NCHA/ACHA-NCHA_Data/Publications_and_Reports/NCHA/Data/Reports_ACHA-NCHAIII.aspx
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