Friday, November 4, 2022

Animal Testing should be banned.

 Why Animal Testing is Wrong and Should be Banned.  

"It is estimated that more than 50 million animals are used in experiments each year in the 

    United States. Unfortunately, no accurate figures are available to determine precisely 

    how many animals are used in the U.S. or worldwide." -

Human Society Of the United States

Animal Testing Patrick Landmann/Science Photo Library 

Major Companies That Test On Animals.

  • According to the Cruelty-free kitty website, many companies such as Avon, Axe, and Bead Head are three known companies of the hundreds listed that test on animals. This is a significant issue because many use these brands and products by these companies that use animals to test their products.

The Problem with Animal Testing. 


  • Major companies and corporations use animals for testing products and conducting research. Animals are unjustly abused and tortured for the sake of unethical science and product testing. 

Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images 

Problems of Successful Translation to Humans of Data from Animal Experimentation.

According to the National Library of medicine, there are many factors and limitations animal experiments can influence human health. 1. Being that the laboratory environment events the variables outcome. 2. The physicality of the animal is different from a human's 3. the differences in physiology and genetics in an animal are drastically different from that of a human. All these variables are what make animal testing questionable in the translation of data to reflect the safety of humans. 


According to speaking of research, In "2019, US government statistics put the number of laboratory animals used in research at 797,546, an increase of 2.2% from 2018. This includes both public and private institutions. These statistics do not include all animals, as most mice, rats, and fish are not covered by the Animal Welfare Act – though they are still covered by other regulations that protect animal welfare."

What happens to the animals once an experiment is over?

According to the American Human society, Animals are killed once an experiment is over and done and their organs are examined; some animals are used in multiple experiments over many years, and the majority die from many of these experiments. Many make it to be adopted, but the reality of it is devastating. Many animals are emaciated and traumatized to the point they can no longer function or fight for the will to live. 

 Alternatives to experiments on animals and educating on companies who test on them. 

There are countless websites that provide a list of companies and brands that test on animals. Resources such as PETA, The American Human society, Cruelty-free kitty are some websites that list all the brands that are not cruelty-free or carry the label of cruelty-free products. It is essential to educate one's self because many of the daily products we use are 75% cruel products. Finding ethical and cruelty-free products is critical not only to the environment but to the health and welfare of all animals. Animals' lives should not be on the line for the convenience of a testing house or beauty products. Modern advanced technology is available to be used to conduct safer experiments that do not need the outdated cruel methods of animal testing. Animals are already consumed as food for humans. They should be reduced to torture. 

The perspective of the community

The question asked: What are your opinion on the welfare of animals and the topic of animal testing? 

Diana Zambrano Pasadena, CA

Diana, who is a nurse and has many pets of her own, shared this claim and opinion on the topic.
"Animal welfare should be prioritized in today's society. We no longer live in a time where we fear the unknown and use life that is speechless to conduct experiments for the sake of our comfort. I think there is technology that is advanced and can indeed deem if something is unsafe for humans to consume or use. Too many animals, lives are disregarded and treated as such."

Taylor Garcia Alhambra, CA

Taylor, who is a fellow college student who loves and has many animals of her own, shares her perspective on companies that test on animals. 
" I will never understand why companies continue to do experiments on little animals and cause them so much pain and trauma. Many companies pay money for abusing animals instead of using the money to fund ethical ways of testing products. All because animals can be manipulated because they are voiceless. It is cruel and unjust, and I will continue to use and advocate products that follow the belief system of caring for all lives, especially animals."

Elena N. Pasadena, CA

Elena, who works with animals as a career, shared her point on the importance of animal welfare. 
"I hope that one day there will no longer be the need to continue to mistreat animals and experiment on them. It is not the 50s anymore; we live in a time where I know for a fact there is an advanced technology to rule out animal testing. Literally, just companies want to be cheap and cruel." 

Sources and references.

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