Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Fund The Arts Programs In The Public School System


 At a young age I was always involved in art, and I had so much artistic freedom and supplies in the public school system. Sadly, LAUSD has cut arts funding by 76% over the past five years. Public school systems should be able to fund the arts because I think this is crucial when it comes to giving students these creative opportunities. The funding was so abundant and there were so many fun art activities when I was in middle school from 2006-2009. 


Since I attended a decent high school in the region, I was able to participate in these art programs and classes throughout my high school years in 2009-2013. In high school, we had one Art class, but it wasn't as creative and fun as art should be. A former art teacher of mine had us draw objects for the entire semester, and tested us on the different art epochs, without bothering to ask what our level of proficiency was. There was one thing that sucked, though, and that was you needed to be a Magnet student at that school in order to participate in these fun activities/classes, such as photography, sculpture, and the annual chalk art competition. As an art enthusiast, I've always felt it was unfair that those outside of Magnet didn't get to take part in these fun creative activities/classes.

This low level of art funding is negatively affecting students since I'm sure there are those who want to participate in theater, drama, dance, and the arts. Public schools sometimes provide these non-profit after-school programs for their students so that they can be creative and have fun. Students in the LAUSD can take advantage of programs such as LA's Best, After-school All-Stars, and LACER to help with homework, sports, and art.

Despite the fact that there's still a lack of funding when it comes to the arts in today's public schools, and there's always news of how LAUSD is improving or would like to give more funding to the arts, I still see nothing. However, I still find it good to see these after-school programs, giving students these opportunities when they may not have them in school. To help the students become more creative and to see how this can benefit our communities, it is imperative we have these resources and teach these skills. Community is important to me because when we can make a difference to a person or a community, it goes a long way. After-school programs like LACER helped me stay out of trouble as a middle and high schooler, and it also taught me new things like music and dance skills at a young age. In a way, it's crazy to think that it came full circle since I currently teach after-school art for LACER after-school programs, and I am enamored with seeing so many students who are interested in learning and who want a creative space not available to them in classroom settings. My community is important to me, and I love helping in any way I can because I feel that if we engage in activities and help others better our community, we're doing something that none of the school districts or government officials are doing. Throughout my artistic journey, I've learned so much from some amazing teachers and after-school mentors. My mentors have made a huge impact on me over the years, so I'd be honored if I could teach art one day and be someone's mentor. Because I grew up in some rough neighborhoods in Los Angeles, I don't think I would have made it where I am today if not for these teachers and after-school programs. It can go a long way in changing a student's life and mentality to teach any kind of art, like dance, music, or theater. The goal here is to encourage more people to help fund public school art.

Works Cited

Southern California Public Radio. “LAUSD Arts Funding Cut 76% in Five Years.” Southern California Public Radio, 10 Oct. 2012, https://archive.kpcc.org/blogs/education/2012/10/10/10421/lausd-arts-funding-cut-76-five-years/. 

Southern California Public Radio. “Arts Ed Least Available to LAUSD's Poorer Schools.” Southern California Public Radio, 1 Apr. 2015, https://archive.kpcc.org/news/2015/03/19/50456/schools-in-need-to-get-more-lausd-arts-funding/. 

Dismantling Transphobia: Transgender Women of Color


Dismantling Transphobia: Transgender Women of Color 

Transgender- A person who's gender identity or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned to at birth 

Non- Binary- An umbrella term used to encompass many gender identities that do not fit into the male-female category

Transphobia-    Irrational fear, aversion, or discrimination  against transgender people 

In the recent years there have been many advancements when it comes to LGBTQ+  rights such as 

  • Utah and Virginia ban on conversion therapy for teens
  • The Supreme Court decision to illegalize anti-LGBTQ+ employment discrimination 
  • An increase of LGBTQ+ candidates elected into public office as of 2020
  •  More LGBTQ+  representation in media such as show like Prime Video's Transparent and FX's Pose
  • Land mark ruling in allowing same-sex marriages in 2015 in the United States 

While all these topics are great wins for the LGBTQ+ community, the transgender community faces the most backlash and discrimination. In the year 2020 alone, The Human Rights campaign tracked 44 fatalities of transgender or gender non-conforming people in the United States, ranking it as one of the most violent year. These number of cases represent all the case which were reported. Many deaths or incidents go unreported, and a majority of cases are Black and Latinx transgender women. 

Black and Latinx transgender women are killed in an alarming rate. Victims are often killed by people they know, such as, partners or acquaintances. Many transgender women of color are deprive of basic needs such as  housing and employment due to homophobia bias, which in turn results in these woman exposing themselves to dangers situations.  Transgender women of color often result to sex work as a means of survival. Poverty and homelessness surrounds these women due to intersection of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.    

In Black and Latinx communities transphobia is very prominent. Both communities tends to be dismissive towards trans issues. Common examples would be saying trans people are confused, separating people into binary gender categories, and refusing to use preferred pronouns.  A way we can dismantle these fears is to educate the older community. Many of these "traditional" ideas are out of date and try to use religion as a form to justify discrimination. 

In a recent study conducted by AmericanProgress.Org  1 in 4 LGBTQ person faces discrimination
  • 27% percent of transgender workers reported to being fired/denied a promotion 
  • 8% percent to 17% percent of gay and transgender workers report being passed over for a job or fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 
  • 7% percent to 41% percent of gay and transgender workers were verbally or physically abused or had their workplace vandalize
  • 19% percent of trans people state that they have been refused houses, while 11% percent state they have been evicted due to being transgender 
  • Nonbinary and trans people are three times more likely to delay medical attention for fear of discrimination
  • 75% percent of transgender students (K-12) have felt unsafe due to their gender expression 
60% percent of transgender students feel they were felt they were forced to use a bathroom or locker room that did not match their gender identity 

Transgender women are people and deserve basic human rights  

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Importance of Physical Activity in Young Adults

Physical Activity Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Why is Exercise Important for Self Care?

    Staying active is an essential part of self care. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and body image. You are likely to feel better about your appearance and it may boost your self-confidence. It is important to get in our daily exercise for a better health and a good mindset.

The Problem of Physical Inactivity

    According to Department of Health from New York State, it is estimated that "approximately 35% of coronary heart disease mortality is due to physical inactivity. The significance of this relationship lies in the fact that coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States with over 700,000 deaths annually." In addition, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC stated that "about 14 percent of young people report no recent physical activity. Inactivity is more common among females (14%) than males (7%)." In the graph below, it shows that young adults are slowly decreasing in vigorous physical activity on a regular basis. Having a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk factors of getting high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, and becoming obese. With an inactive life, you'll likely experience denial, deprivation, pain, and suffering which can lead to mental health problems. 

Chart - Physical Activity Levels of Adolescents and Yound Adults, by Age and Sex

Benefits of Physical Activity

    When we exercise, the body goes through many changes and functions which can lead to both short and long term health benefits. According to a foundation by Michigan Fitness, physical activity improves sleep which reduces the time needed to get to sleep and promotes deeper and more effective sleep. Other benefits include improved cognition, reduced stress, and improved mood. Physical activity does not only improve your strength and health, but can also improve your mental conditions. It can also help fight anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins in your brain which brings a positive mood to your well-being. Exercising can be a great distraction from always feeling down about yourself. With physical activity, adults can reduce the risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, weight problems, etc. Overall, physical activity simply makes your life a lot better.

Combating physical inactivity during the COVID-19 pandemic | Nature Reviews  Rheumatology

                                                                Tips for Exercising

    Don't know where to start to become active? Well, choose a sport or activity that you like or would want to try to do. Picking something that you want to do will make your exercise fun and exciting and time will pass by fast too. If you are into lifting weights, start out light first and build your way up to lift heavier if that is what you are aiming for. Mixing it up and working out different parts of your body can help you find something you might actually enjoy working out on. Even if you don't have a gym membership, you can always use fitness apps to guide you into a workout with or without weights. If you are the person that doesn't like sports or gymming, walking around the park, hiking, doing yoga, or basically anything that increases your heart rate will help too. Exercising with a buddy/friend will make it motivating and fun. At least get 30 minutes of exercise each day to decrease the chances of certain health conditions. There are many different opportunities that is considered as physical activity, so find something that works for you daily.

How Physical Activity Affects Us All

    This issue affects me and the community greatly because we always find excuses to not exercise whether we are being overwhelmed with school, work, stress, and sleep deprivation. In addition, the use of technology has prevented us from doing physically outdoor activities. Health and fitness is beneficial to young adults because it helps prevent diseases that can occur later in life before it is too late. I chose to do this issue on physical activity being an important part for us because it is always important to take care of yourself before others. Overtime, the built-up of a habit will continue and the self individual physical and mental health risk will decrease if you don't include physical activity in your lives. 


“Adolescents and Young Adults Surgeon General Report | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/sgr/adoles.htm. Accessed 7 Nov. 2021.

“Physical Inactivity and Cardiovascular Disease.” New York State Department of Health, 1999, https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/chronic/cvd.htm.

“The Long and Short Term Benefits of Being Physically Active - Michigan Fitness Foundation.” Michigan Fitness Foundation, 24 Jan. 2019, https://michiganfitness.org/news/the-long-and-short-term-benefits-of-being-physically-active.

Sleep Deprivation Among College Students- Magdalene Ebenezer

Importance of sleep 😴

There are several activities we do for self-care out of which sleep is paramount in maintaining our health. Similar to how regular maintenance is required for the upkeep of machinery, cars, website etc., sleep is required for our body to repair itself. While we are asleep, the brain signals to release hormones that aid in the body's growth, strengthening of the immune system, and de-stressing through reducing cortisol levels and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (Queensland Health, 2020). Sleep is also essential in forming long term memories.

Sleep Deprivation Among College Students 

A lot of college students work while attending school to meet their financial needs. They struggle to find the time to sleep in midst of dealing with academic responsibilities, personal commitments, socializing, work and other obligations. Studies have shown that 70% of college students do not get the recommended 8 hours sleep, out of which 50% suffer from daytime sleepiness (Hershner & Chervin, 2014). In order to keep up with the ever so fast-paced world, competitive job market, and increased cost of living, college students overwork themselves in order to increase productivity by sacrificing sleep and pulling all-nighters. Time is money; this notion is prevalent among college students as they supplement sleep with several cups of coffee or other stimulants. There is a need to stay awake rather than be present mentally. However, this reduced quantity and quality of sleep greatly deteriorates the body. 

Effects of Sleep Deprivation


Consequences of sleep deprivation include, but are not limited to, poor academic performance, reduced focus, heightened anxiety and stress, poor decision making, lack of awareness, hike in blood pressure, more severe depressive symptoms, and increased risk of cardiac diseases and death (Peri, 2014). It is evident that sleep is indispensable as it affects many aspects of our lives.

What Can We Do?

In the past few months, I have been overwhelmed with assignments from classes, research lab activities, volunteering, work, and socializing. I've noticed that I've been more pessimistic, irritable, irrational, anxious, distracted, and anti-social on days when I did not get sufficient sleep. Life seems more miserable when I lack the mental capacity from lack of rest.

Knowing when to take a break, having a better understanding of the urgency of a task, and reducing my screen time has helped me to significantly improve my sleep. Some medically reviewed techniques to improving sleep is to reduce exposure to bright light, avoid using electronic devices 30 minutes before sleeping, cutting back on day-time naps, sticking to a routine, and slowly readjusting your bedtime (Stewart, 2018).

As a college student myself, I understand the panic and the urge to meet deadlines and be highly productive but to stay healthy and on top of things, it is important to let our body rest for sufficient time. We rush to recharge our phones when they're low on battery but why don't we care for ourselves the same way? Time might be money, but health is wealth.


Hershner, Shelley D, and Ronald D Chervin. “Causes and Consequences of Sleepiness among College Students.” Nature and Science of Sleep, Dove Medical Press, 23 June 2014, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4075951/.

“7 Amazing Things That Happen to Your Body While You Sleep.” Queensland Government, Queensland Health, 6 Aug. 2020, https://www.health.qld.gov.au/news-events/news/7-amazing-things-that-happen-to-your-body-while-you-sleep.

Peri, Camille. “10 Surprising Effects of Lack of Sleep.” WebMD, WebMD, 13 Feb. 2014, https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/10-results-sleep-loss.

Stewart, Kristen, et al. “How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule.” EverydayHealth.com, 6 Feb. 2018, https://www.everydayhealth.com/sleep/insomnia/resetting-your-clock.aspx.

Promoting Health Through Self-Care

Promoting Health Through Self-Care

Self-care works in conjunction with the healthcare system to promote health within communities and individuals. It serves in a therapeutic manner. The majority of people actively participate in some sort of self-care practice. However, many are unaware of the benefits of practicing self-care and the positive impact it has on your health. 

There are three main categories of self-care: emotional, physical, and spiritual self-care. Emotional self-care signifies being conscious of your inner feelings and attending to the care of your emotional needs. This form of self-care can be achieved through various simple methods such as having coffee with your close friend, meditating, journaling, and isolating yourself from any unnecessary stressors currently in your life. 

Physical self-care refers to the way in which you fuel your body and the way in which you mange your body. There are several ways in which this can be achieved. For example, prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule and getting at least seven hours of sleep every night. Adhering to a healthy diet plan such as consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and unprocessed foods. Other forms of physical self-care include engaging in a physical exercise routine, drinking water throughout the day, and taking a shower daily.
Spiritual self-care is defined as actions taken to improve or deepen your connection with yourself. This type of self-care is not necessarily for religious people or those who participate in religious practices. It can include meditation, attending places of worship, go outside and enjoy nature. 

Furthermore, these self-care categories can be placed into two further classifications: enduring and temporary. Self-care that is enduring encompasses a long-lasting result. Participating in physical activity on a daily basis helps to reduce stress levels and reduce risks of health conditions. On the other hand, the impact of temporary self-care has a much shorten effect on the individual. Both of these methods are beneficial and help promote health.

It can be difficult to create a self-care routine. However, here are some tips to help people develop an effective plan. First, identify activities that you enjoy doing and help renew your energy. Begin small by selecting only one thing that you would like to implement into your plan next week. Continue with that behavior daily for the entire week then reflect on how it made you feel. Once you feel that you are ready you can slowly implement some additional self-care practices. It is recommended to share these practices with your close friends and family. Developing a strong support system can help you comply with your self-care practices and have an everlasting effect in your life.

Self-care Ideas:

  1. Meditation
  2. Nutrient-rich diet
  3. Treat yourself with kindness
  4. Sufficient sleep
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Live in the moment
  7. Journal
  8. Reduce screen time
  9. Enjoy Nature
  10. Breathing exercises
  11. Eat breakfast
  12. Spend time alone
  13. Religious services



Why are you there?


Have you ever walked or drove passed a homeless woman in downtown Los Angeles and thought to yourself, "Where did it all go wrong?" The usual stereotype or generalization most people have of the homeless is that they are unemployed, unmotivated, drug addicts, but studies show that is not the case. For women, the leading cause of homelessness among women is due to Domestic Violence, in which "the majority of unhoused women across the nation– 57% according to recent data say domestic violence is the direct cause of losing their permanent home. In L.A, almost 40% of women who are homeless say they've been abused in the last 12 months."(Paskin) 


Vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Many women who were abused, who leave violent relationships leave behind everything. In the article Cruel Cycle of Domestic Violence and Homelessness in LA by Carla Green, she explains how the cycle of Domestic Violence is with women in Los Angeles stating that "Many people fleeing violent situations leave everything behind – even, like in Cooley's case, their sources of income." (Green) In order to get out of that state of feeling vulnerable, fleeing feels like the only option for most women, at the cost of everything. 


This social issue personally effects me due to me living in Los Angeles all of my life and see the constant problem of homeless people. As a kid, I would always think to myself about why people were on the street. Thankfully I had understanding parents who did not teach me to look at homeless people any different from others and to not immediately judge. So to dig deeper and to find out that the majority of women on the streets is due to Domestic Violence did not sit right with me. Why is it that women who are in these terrible situations feel that their only possible outcome is to flee and leave everything behind, when it should be the abuser who should be getting penalized for the wrong doing. As stated in the article How Domestic Violence Became The No. 1 Cause of Homelessness For Women in LAsurvivor and advocate Nikki Brown stated "There are so many complicated circumstances that make it really hard to leave. And when you can't leave, that element of shame and blame is the thing that makes it so hard to talk about." (Paskin) Women who are put in these situations are often feeling shameful for "staying" as if it is their fault. When the women feel like they are being at fault for being abused, is when we have failed them. So, if we can bring awareness and shed light on the numbers as to why people are homeless, then maybe we will start to see a difference. 

I chose this issue because I had previously written a paper about it and wanted to spread the word about the numbers and as to why women are homeless. I wanted to spread this because of the common misconception about homeless people which we all know is "all homeless people are drug addicts, or are lazy and just need to find a job, but don't actually realize why these women and others are homeless. Homelessness is not picky and can happen to anyone at any given time, so we need to break through the misconceptions and start creating a better system for the women anyone else struggling while being unhoused. 


Green, Carla. "Cruel Cycle Of Domestic Violence And Homelessness In LA". Aljazeera.Com, 2021, https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/9/27/cruel-cycle-of-domestic-violence-and-homelessness-in-la.

Paskin, Julia. "How Domestic Violence Became The No. 1 Cause Of Homelessness For Women In LA". Laist, 2021, https://laist.com/news/housing-homelessness/how-domestic-violence-became-the-no-1-cause-of-homelessness-for-women-in-los-angeles.

Roberts, Kimberly. Ph.Lacounty.Gov, 2021, http://ph.lacounty.gov/owh/docs/DataReport/KimberlyRoberts.pdf.

Teens/Young Adults Vaping

Teens/Young Adults Vaping

What is a Vape/ E-Cigarette?

Vapes or also known as E-Cigarettes are devices that heat up liquid into an aerosol that the user inhales. The liquid that is being heated up and inhaled usually has nicotine and flavoring in it. E-Cigarettes are considered a tobacco product because they contain nicotine. The nicotine in E-Cigarettes is very addictive. With nicotine being very addictive, teens are more susceptible to addiction because their brains are still developing, which makes them more likely to adapt to getting addicted to nicotine. Besides nicotine, there are other harmful effects when vaping such as, ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs, there is diacetyl, which is a chemical linked to serious lung disease. 

Vaping is a Normal Trend for Teens

The use of E-cigarettes is very popular with young people. The use of them has grown dramatically in the last five years. To this day high school students and college students vape more than smoke cigarettes. 

Most teenagers start vaping because of curiosity and wanting to fit in. They tend to get curious about vapes because of the people in their environment who vape and the different flavors each vape has.  

The Issue

The issue with young adults using vapes has been a problem in my community for many years now. To this day almost all college students that I see at my school use vapes. The reason that I want to talk about this issue is that not only are vapes affecting people my age but they are affecting my friends and even younger people. Some people that I know are vaping and they were either influenced by their friends or they were just curious into trying it.  

As a community, we should stop the next generation from smoking. E-cigs are so easy to come by here in the state of California, all you need to do is be of age to purchase them. It's honestly a tough situation because of its easy access. There are already movements helping prevent teens from smoking and there are also alternatives of vapes, some that don't contain nicotine. If we as a community help stop this issue we can help the next generation. 

Sources Cited: 

Know the risks: E-cigarettes & young people: U.S. surgeon general's report. E. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov/.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 30). Quick facts on the risks of e-cigarettes for kids, teens, and young adults. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html.

Racial Profiling in Policing

The Recent Problem in Policing

One of the most recent and problematic problems in policing is how people of color or minorities are treated by the police. The recent death of George Floyd in the hands of the police, along with deaths of other people of color, has once again shined light as to how minorities are treated and has urged the police for change. With Los Angeles being a hub of so many different cultures and people of color, it is vital that the LAPD learn of ways to avoid racial bias and racial profiling to be a better and more understanding police department that truly serves the community of Los Angeles and not target people of the community.

How Racial Profiling Affects Me and My Community

Los Angeles is home to so many races and cultures. Due to the large amount of cultural differences, the police department must learn to cope with the cultural differences. The police department's job is to protect and serve but it is really hard to when they mistreat the people of the communities they serve. With my family and I being people of color, we sometimes feel like we can't trust the police or are scared to reach out to help because of the many negative stories and anecdotes we've heard that puts the police in a bad light. The police should not be an organization that instills fear in people. The police needs to be an organization that reassures people that they can come to the police whenever because ultimately they are there to help the community and to make it a better place. For the police to successfully carry out their job, they must have a positive relationship with the community.


One of the solutions that I was able to find was the strategy of community policing. Community policing is when the police becomes more involved with the community. Hall, Hall, and Perry (2016), state, "Since community policing is a strategic partnership between police and civilians that requires officers to become more embedded in the communities within which they work, it may help to bridge the divide between officers and civilians (i.e., counteract the 'us vs. them' dynamics)” (181). When officers are placed in the community and are actually involved, such as interacting with community members, the "us vs them" mentality as mentioned in the quoted slowly starts to fade away. The reason for this is because officers are slowly started to be seen as actual members of the community and officers adapt to cultural differences.

A second solution I was able to find was to eliminate shooter bias. Kovera (2019) explains shooter bias as, "Experimental studies confirmed that unarmed Black men face a greater risk of being shot by mistake than do unarmed White men, a phenomenon known as shooter bias (Correll, Park, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002)". Whether we like it or not shooter bias is usually the cause of the majority of deaths. When looking at the death of Breonna Taylor, it was found that he was unarmed which explains perfectly in with the shooter bias that is explained by Kovera. One of the reasons for shooter bias is because of stereotypes that officers often believe. In order to remove shooter bias officers must go through diversity training to eliminate it. Officers must enter the police force with a clean slate and try to remove all bias that they have because they have the ability to mistakenly take the life of someone which holds a lot of responsibility.

Importance to Me

As stated previously, this issue affects me because I am a person of color so I can easily be racially profiled as well as my family. I also have the possibility of receiving great bodily harm, again because I am a person of color, so it is important to me to look for solutions to prevent innocent deaths in my community. Another reason why this is important to me is because in the near future I want to become a detective so learning of ways to eliminate bias is important to me


Hall, A. V., Hall, E. V., & Perry, J. L. (2016). Black and blue: Exploring racial bias and law enforcement         in the killings of unarmed black male civilians. American Psychologist, 71(3), 175-186.                           https://doi.org/10.1037/a0040109

Kovera, M. B. (2019). Racial disparities in the criminal justice system: Prevalence, causes, and a search         for solutions. Journal of Social Issues, 75(4), 1139 1164. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12355

Justice for Street Vendors - Susan Gonzalez’s Civic Engagement Project

 Justice for Street Vendors 

What is Civic Engagement?

1.) According to the New York Times, civic engagement is defined as "working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference" and can be done politically or nonpolitically  to "promote the quality of life in a community."  
The American Psychological Association defines civic engagement as "individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern."
2.) When I think of civic engagement, I usually think of community service or voting. However, I believe it is a bit different because I feel as if civic engagement is people from a specific community or group who work together to change and help out their community. 
3.) A major social issue in my community would be the way street vendors are mistreated. My community and I are indirectly and directly affected by street vendors.

What is the Problem?

Street vendors are getting arrested for not having permits, being an immigrant, or being just seen as a nuisance to their community, marking them as criminals. However, it is difficult for them to access permits despite specific permit systems and programs. Some street vendors are limited to this because of specific language barriers and may also be scared because some may be immigrants or the systems to obtain permits are confusing or hard to obtain. Street vendors are also prone to harassment and being attacked for the money they have earned. This affects the community because the street vendors will not be able to provide certain cultural foods, clothing, or accessories to the consumers of their community such as me. The street vendors may not be able to make a living to pay for their bills, raising homelessness. Street vendors also have the flexibility to make their own schedules making them more accessible to their family needs. Street vendors also help maintain the economy. 

Research on Street Vendors

According to the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Servies (2014), there are about 50,000 sidewalk vendors in the city of Los Angeles. In 2018, an act was passed to prevent street vendors from becoming criminals, called the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act (SSVA) that was passed by California Governor Jerry Brown in 2018. Although the (SSVA) was passed the street vendors still receive tickets ranging from $50 to $1000 if they do not have a permit according to WIEGO.org. Up to this day street Vendors are still being criminalized Tso (2021) explains that street vendors are still advocating to prevent street vendors from becoming criminalized. The street vendors have specifically been concerned about a motion to cite street vendors that block the sidewalk and have city workers spot health and fire code violations (Tso, 2021). Smith & Cummings (2021) explain that although the SSVA passed, street vendors still are harassed, ticketed, and fined. Smith and Cummings findings also show that it is almost more complicated for a street vendor to obtain a permit instead of a restaurant. 

This is a picture of Caridad which is a street vendor she interviewed. During the street interview, Caridad shared how street vendors bring the community together and a sense of people's culture through street vending since some immigrants can not go back to their country they rely on street vendors (Rivera, 2018).

Why Does it Affect Me?

Growing up in Boyle Heights my abuelo (grandpa in Spanish) would pick me up after school and would always buy me my elote (corn), raspado (shaved iced) or chips from the street vendors right across my elementary school. I would always look forward to getting my snack after school with the street vendors but they were not there every day. One day I specifically remember police showing up and arresting the street vendors. Back then being the age I was I never really understood why they would arrest the street vendors. Now being the age I am and doing this research there could have been plenty of reasons on why they would arrest them, but most likely it was just because back then in 2005 it was illegal for street vendors to sell. The street vendors remind me of my Mexican culture, identity, help when I'm hungry or craving a snack. The days the street vendors were not there made me sad when I was younger. I also believe the police showing up to arrest them impacted me and now helped me realize that they were definitely treated unfairly. Up to this day, I continue to see street vendors being questioned by police or abused by people trying to steal their money. Many of the street vendors are immigrants and are from my community so when they are affected it affects my community as a whole.


Civic Engagement (2009). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from  https://www.apa.org/education-career/undergrad/civic-engagement

Liu, Y., YenBurns, P. & Flaming, D. (2015). Sidewalk Stimulus: Economic and Geographic Impacts of Los Angeles Street Vendors. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3380029

Los Angeles Bureau of Street Servies (2014)

Los Angeles, USA Decriminalizes Street Vendors. WIEGO. Retrieved from https://www.wiego.org/los-angeles-usa-decriminalizes-street-vendors

Tso, P.(2021). LA Street Vendors and Advocates Caution City Council Against Criminalization Measures. LAist. Retrived from https://laist.com/news/la-street-vendors-and-advocates-caution-city-council-against-criminalization-measures
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  •  Doug Smith, 360-770-9987, Scott Cummings, 323-630-9142 Doug Smith, 360-770-9987, Scott Cummings, 323-630-9142

Rivera, Dane. (2018) How LA's Street Vendors Carry the Message of Anthony Bourdain. UPROXX. Retrieved from https://uproxx.com/life/street-vending-los-angeles-food/ 

S.B. 946, Lara. Sidewalk vendors. (2017-2018). Retrieved from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB946

Smith, D. & Cummings S. New Report Exposes Why Street Vendors Are Still Being Ticketed and Harrassed by Law Enforcement in Los Angeles. Retrieved by http://www.publiccounsel.org/press_releases?id=0151

The Definition of Civic Engagement (2000) The New York Times. Retrieved from https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/ref/college/collegespecial2/coll_aascu_defi.html

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Funding for the Arts

Funding for the Arts Up for Debate: What is the Best Way to Fund the Arts in America? — AMT Lab  @ CMU

What is Civic Engagement? 

1] ~“Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing

the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the

quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.”
“The Definition of Civic Engagement.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 July 2003, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/ref/college/collegespecial2/coll_aascu_defi.html.

~" Civic engagement includes both paid and unpaid forms of political activism, environmentalism, and community and national service."
“Civic Engagement.” Civic Engagement | Youth.gov, https://youth.gov/youth-topics/civic-engagement-and-volunteering. 

2] ~I thought about civic engagement as someone who is a part of a community that helps others or makes their

community better by working through current issues or simply just adding programs or services to help the community.

3] ~An issue I think is important is the lack of funding for the arts because art should be seen as a core subject since it

would help students be overall successful and as well give them freedom of expression.

Growing up, I was lucky enough to have had art in my life but what I usually remember was my teachers having to take

donations or paying for art supplies out of their own pocket. It always had seemed as if art was put on the back burner and

just was not important enough to be a core subject. The arts are an important subject for a developing brain and overall has

benefits for everyone in different ways. As I read in the article, “Importance of Art Education” there is a handful of benefits;

to name a few: helps develop creative problem-solving skills, visual learners comprehend, motor skill development, language,

social skills, decision making, risk-taking, inventiveness, and overall just how they may view the world. 

“Importance of Art Education.docx - 1 Importance of Art Education Student\u2019s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Title Instructor\U2019s Name Assignment: Course Hero.

Importance of Art Education.docx - 1 Importance of Art Education Student\u2019s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Title Instructor\u2019s Name Assignment | Course Hero, https://www.coursehero.com/file/67221380/Importance-of-Art-Educationdocx/. 

This issue has been an ongoing problem I have seen throughout my life. Yes, society has started seeing the importance of the

arts and trying to fund them but it is still a work in progress. Currently, I go to school at California State University, Los Angeles

for Studio Art, and honestly, I can see the lack of funds when I enter the art building, compared to many of the other buildings on

campus that look brand new. As some of my professors have mentioned that it looks like a dump, but if it weren’t for the professors

who chip in to help from their own time and money, the department would probably be worse off. If it were not for the community

of professors who cared for their students, the university would probably have cared less for the art department. For example, I have

been working at the Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery on campus and my director was telling us how she had to march with a

herd of students to the dean's office a few years ago to save the gallery because the university wanted to turn the space into an office instead.

Another example is how the old ceramics professor spent much of his time and finances fixing up the ceramics studios, so it wouldn’t

look like an actual dump. The stories go on about the lack of funds but here are some facts about not just from my own personal observation

but overall how the California education system is poorly funded for the arts but is much needed for people of all ages. 

“Impact.” Keep Arts in Schools, https://www.keepartsinschoolsfund.org/impact. 

LA County Arts Ed Profile, https://www.lacountyartsedcollective.org/profile/tool/#coords=34.25154/-118.31589/9. 

Less than 40% of all California students currently participate in arts courses.”

“Impact.” Keep Arts in Schools, https://www.keepartsinschoolsfund.org/impact. 

LA County Arts Ed Profile, https://www.lacountyartsedcollective.org/profile/tool/#coords=34.25154/-118.31589/9. 

Promoting Sustainable Art and Design

      In a society with rampant consumerism where we create so much waste it is rare to find others or businesses that care about the enviro...