Sunday, April 18, 2021

Stop Asian Hate

 The Asian community suffers from different forms of discrimination and even severe violence 


    In the past few months, many Asian Americans in the United States have been attacked to varying degrees. I was shocked and angered by this racial hatred,every time I see this kind of news, I start to worry about the old people in my family.

    In last month, March. 17, in the morning about 10: 30 am, an old Chinese woman in San Francisco was attacked by a white man when she was waiting at the traffic light. Then, Ms. Li (the old man) saw a wooden stick and started to defend herself. According to the KPIX 5 News,

     "Li said her mother cannot see at all out of her left eye and hasn’t been able to eat. The hope is that time will heal the physical and emotional wounds, but her family said the incident has left her scared for her life."

    “As you can see she is extremely terrified,” Xie’s grandson John Chen told KPIX 5. “She’s terrified to even step out.”

                                                  (The victim, Xie)

    Since COIVD-19 has taken the world by storm, discrimination against Asians has increased. People who are racist will look at you with a look of hatred if you look Asian, whether you were born in the US or not. It's like they accusing you with their eyes saying that “leaving their country, you do not belong here.”

    Discrimination has always existed in the United States, but it has never been taken seriously. In many cases, we are just forbearance. Until the outbreak of Covid-19, the degree of discrimination against Asians has become more serious. According to the analysis released by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, "this month(March) examined hate crimes in 16 of America’s largest cities. It revealed that while such crimes in 2020 decreased overall by 7 percent, those targeting Asian people rose by nearly 150 percent."

    For me, as a Chinese who immigrated to the US,fortunately, I have not been discriminated against in any way but it doesn't mean that I do not care about this. I feel like Asian hate crimes have never been taken seriously. Think about it, If a black old man is killed in the street by a white teenager, then all of San Francisco, all of California, and the whole country will flood the streets in the unit of 100,000 blacks. The president echoed in tears, and the country set off a new upsurge of anti-racism. Or If an old Hispanic man is killed by a white teenager in the street, then heavyweight Hispanic congressmen such as AOC will surely complain in tears in the parliament that Hispanics have suffered unfair treatment in the United States and have suffered blood and tears, as well as tens of millions of illegal immigrants. It is not easy, and there is a high probability that Biden will amnesty illegal immigrants. But if an old Asian man was brutally beaten to death in the street, and the national mainstream media hardly saw any reports, for me I knew this news is from a social media of an Asian film actor.

    Stop discriminatory behavior,make the world be better.


Yam, K. (2021, March 09). Anti-Asian hate crimes increased by nearly 150% in 2020, mostly in N.Y. and L.A., new report says. Retrieved April 11, 2021, from

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