Sunday, April 24, 2022

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana and CBD

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana and CBD

Since 1996, marijuana has been medically legal in the state of California under the Compassionate Use Act. As of November 8, 2016, marijuana became recreationally legal in the state of California. Anyone 21 and over, or a person with a medical recommendation from a doctor can enter a dispensary and purchase any product containing marijuana. As of 2022, 39 states including D.C. have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Only 18 states including D.C. have legalized recreational marijuana.

Recently, on April 1, 2022, The U.S. House of Representatives passed the MORE Act, a bill that would end federal prohibition if passed. On April 20, 2022, California lawmakers have a scheduled hearing that could protect the rights of employees and their use of marijuana. Ending prohibition on marijuana would positively improve the situation on the War on Drugs. According to an article on Forbes, Hakeem Jeffries, the Democratic Caucus chair states, "[...] (marijuana) It has ruined individual lives, ruined families and ruined communities, particularly in communities of color, [...] It’s time to end the federal cannabis prohibition.” (Yakowicz, 2022)

The two main components of marijuana are THC and CBD.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive component in marijuana. This is what makes people too paranoid when they smoke too much...

CBD (cannabidiol) is the essential component to medical marijuana. CBD contains all the healing properties in medical marijuana and contains no psychoactive side affects. It has been proven that CBD helps cure pain, helps people suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, and has helped cure tumors! CBD is also helpful and SAFE remedy for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness.

In a study conducted by Harvard, researchers found that "[...] CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health issues, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), which typically don’t respond to antiseizure medications. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and, in some cases, stop them altogether" (Grinspoon, 2021).

Marijuana and CBD are safer and healthier alternatives to many over the counter medication and prescription drugs. Marijuana has never killed anyone. According to an article, "[...], the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration drug sheet for marijuana reports that no deaths from marijuana overdose have ever been recorded" (Cariz, 2016)

I believe that employers should not test employees for weed. As someone who struggles with anxiety, depression, and GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) I personally believe it is unreasonable for employers to test for THC when it is legal in the state of California medically and recreationally. 

As someone who works in a medical marijuana dispensary, I see a range of customers come in for medical and recreational reasons. The customers range from ages 18 (with a medical card) to even as old as 80!

Works Cited


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Childhood Obesity Epidemic

 Jonathan Vinze Jamias | ART 3170-02


What is Childhood Obesity?

According to the Mayo Clinic, is a condition in which a child is significantly overweight for his or her age and height. Childhood obesity can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. 

How is Childhood Obesity a problem?
It can lead to a child being overweight and this put them at risk on having health problems that are usually seen on adults, such as Type 2 diabetes, High cholesterol and high blood pressure, joint pain, breathing problems, and Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It could also lead to a low self esteem and depression (mayoclinic, 2022)                                                                                                                                               

What are the risk factors of childhood obesity? (MAYO CLINIC)
Risk factors include
Diet: Eating high calorie foods such as fast foods, baked goods, Sugary drinks or snacks and vending machine snacks.
Lack of Exercise: Children that lacks physical activity are much more likely to gain weight.
Family Factors: If a child comes from an overweight family, then their environment might encourage them to eat less healthier, which can result in them gaining weight.
Psychological Factors: Children might overeat to cope with problems or stress
Socioeconomic Factors: Some people might not have access to a nearby supermarket, in which they might rely on buying food from convenience stores and eat unhealthy foods like frozen meals.
Preventing Obesity & Diabetes in Children | Apta Advice

Why is it important to care or give attention to this issue?
The increase of numbers in childhood obesity can lead to a serious threat to many children in America. Just in 2018, the CDC find that 14.4 million adolescents, 2-19 years old, are affected by childhood obesity and the prevalence of obesity was 19.3%. Childhood obesity has caused many children diseases that before, only adults are afflicted, but now even the children have those diseases and this puts them at a huge risk of having a short life-span. Even the economy could be affected by this issue because the cost for treatment of obese children are rising rapidly.

What can parents do to help their children avoid obesity?

Set a good example: Parents can set a good example by having the family eat healthy food and participate in family physical activities. They should also make sure that nobody feels left out.

Promote Physical Activity/Exercise: It is important to promote exercise to children so that they can remain physically active throughout their lives and they can avoid obesity due to lack of physical activities.

Have healthy snacks available: Having healthy snacks are very important because by using this, your child can get used to them instead of unhealthy, sugary or salty snacks.

Choose nonfoods reward:For good behavior, it is not advisable to use candy for example because this will promote unhealthy snacks to your children as good.

Be sure your child gets enough sleep: Sleep deprivation can increase the appetite of your children, so enough sleep is very important.

How to Get Kids to Eat Healthy Food - Wholesome Life Journal

Sport: encouraging a good attitude in kids | Raising Children Network

Parents should promote a healthier lifestyle to their children because not only that they will prolong their life-span, but they can encourage more and more parents to live a healthier lifestyle. I chose this issue because it personally affects me as an obese child once, using food to cope is not the right thing to do. I suggest sports as a way to fight depression because I used basketball as an escape from anything that makes me sad, so every time I'm on the court, I just forget about those things and it makes me happy. Eating unhealthy foods like fast food, ice cream, soda, chips, etc. are not bad from time to time, but we should avoid eating them at a consistent basis. It's never too late to change, so I encourage those who may be suffering from obesity, but thinks that there's no more hope, they can still make a change and improve their lifestyle by starting little by little and that's ok because in the end, those small changes can all add up into a bigger change.


Mayo Clinic ( 2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Childhood Obesity

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (April 5, 2021) Childhood Obesity Facts

The Future of Children, Princeton-Brookings (Spring 2006)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Childhood Obesity

 Jaime Loza 

April 19, 2022

Childhood Obesity 

When I was in elementary school, in 6th grade, I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and was considered obese. I was fitting a size 34. I would say that my diet was poorly maintained and was having little physical activity at that time. The reason for the lack of activity had been due to several soccer injuries that had left me from playing soccer for about a year. After gaining nearly 50 pounds, my family and I decided to go to the doctor and see my health. After being told that I was obese and had high cholesterol, I decided to get back into sports and started watching my diet. The process took time. It wasn't until my freshman year of high school that I was back to normal. 

Childhood Obesity has been an issue in the United States for several years, as it was for me. It is something that affects millions of children across the nation. The reason for childhood obesity nowadays could be due to a variety of different things. Some of them are due to socioeconomic status and others because of the recent incident of the pandemic. "A study of 432,302 children ages 2 to 19 years found the rate of body mass index (BMI) increased nearly doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period." (CDC, 2022). 

Another reason why a child could suffer from childhood obesity would be due to the social-economic status positions of the family. Economically speaking, some families may not be able to buy adequate food that has sufficient nutrients for their family. Sometimes these foods and be more expensive than fast food. There are times when all the family could afford is fast food. In comparison to wealthier people, they seem to not go through childhood obesity as much. Socially speaking, "In 2011-2014, among children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the prevalence of obesity decreased as the head of household's level of education increased." (CDC, 2021). 

This graph shows the obesity among children and adolescents ages two through 19 years, by age in the United States (CDC, 2021). Apart from childhood obesity not being good for children, it does not help that the coronavirus is still around. Obesity could create, "risk factors that would increase substantially the risk of these individuals for earlier cardiovascular disease if they were tracked into adulthood." (Deckelbaum & Williams, 2001). This means that they have a higher chance of not surviving the disease. The source CDC mentions how, "in the study of COVID-19 cases in patients ages 18 years and younger, those with obesity had a 3.1 times higher risk of hospitalization and a 1.4 times higher risk of severe illness when hospitalized, meaning that they were admitted to the intensive care unit, needed invasive mechanical ventilation, or died. " (CDC, 2022). Overall, there is no benefit to obesity, especially at an early age. 

This is why it is recommended for kids to maintain a proper diet and have some type of physical activity. This will keep you healthier and prevent you from any other problems in the future. Not only that, but it will make your immune system stronger which will help it fight any diseases we get. 

Final Reflection
1. How has your understanding of civic engagement changed by participating in this assignment?
It has changed because I now view differently civic engagements. I see them as more valuable and more important. 
2. If you were to redo this assignment, what would you change differently?
I would definitely change how I am feeling right now. I am sick right now and have barely enough energy to do so. But still felt motivated since I wrote about a topic that really hit home. 
3. Do you have any other closing comments you wish to make about this assignment?
I like the activity that this assignment provided for me. It really challenged me while doing research and implementing that research into my blog. Something that I would like to add on would be this is last minute because I have been feeling bad for a couple of days and have a doctor's note on behalf of that, nonetheless, I enjoyed this paper and enjoyed the blog. 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 5). Childhood obesity facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 19, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, February 8). Products - health e stats - prevalence of overweight, obesity, and severe obesity among children and adolescents aged 2–19 years: United States, 1963–1965 through 2017–2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 19, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, February 18). Children, obesity, and covid-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 19, 2022, from

Deckelbaum, R. J., & Williams, C. L. (2001). Childhood obesity: The health issue. Obesity Research, 9(S11), 239–243.

Amanda P.

En este mundo todos somos migrantes

Amanda Pacheco
April 20, 2022

    I am a product of immigration. My parents are immigrants and I have grown up to know what that word means in different ways. My mother, unlike my father was fortunate enough to get her residency and citizenship as soon as she applied for it. My father on the other hand, has not gone back to Mexico in over 27 years. He is still part of the immigration system, who fails time and time again to recognize his hard work because he came into this country the "wrong way".

    Immigration has and will still be a topic of discussion in this country. Especially when the conversation is centered around the south of the border. In the late 2018 and early 2019 Central American's were in route to the south border line seeking asylum. During this time the Trump administration had deployed troops to the border and issued a proclamation that access to asylum would only be available to those who entered through an authorized port of entry. In addition, after ongoing negotiations with Mexico, the Trump administration announced that asylum seekers would await their court date inside of Mexico rather than the United States.

    A little background information to those who are unaware of the incident and how severe it was. Central America is made up of different countries, those being: El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama and Belize. However, there are three specific countries during this movement that make a journey from where they start, through Mexico and finally to the border and attempt to enter the United States.

Collage by: Lucila Sandoval

    This journey is more difficult for someone from Central America as it would be compared to someone from Mexico. Central American's go through discrimination through out each country they cross. Each country's government is advised to capture migrants and send them back to there country of origin.

    This moment in time was crucial for all immigrants there was a President in office that talked badly about the Latin community. He expressed his feelings towards them and there were people from different parts of Central American on there way to the United States in search for something better, something they dreamed of finding in the States.

    Immigration, in my community is something that will always be seen as courageous. It is not the same as it was 25 year ago where you pay someone a small amount of money and they cross you over. Or it was as simple as using someone's birth certificate. It has now created a place of mistrust and a financial burden. Those who can afford it risk the journey and those who cannot do not bother at all. Or make it as far as the border and either stay there or go back home. It is a difficult journey but that fills so many with hope and dreams for something that would be unimaginable if they stay home.

Elizabeth, El Salvador
    This issue has been imprinted in my heart since 2011. The first time I knew what it meant to have a parent be an immigrant and how scary and real the situation can become. My father, was traveling from work and at the time he would make weekly trips from Long Beach, Ca to San Diego, Ca. On one of those weekly trips there was an immigration check point in San Clemente. Something my dad never witnessed except for that day. We were waiting for him at Olive Garden for a Mother's Day dinner he was going to meet us there since he was running late. Time had passed by and my mother finally gets a call and its from my dad. I see the way her facial expression changes through out the conversation. Before I know it we are back in the car on our way back home. I did not see my dad for an entire week. He was detained for that long and was only able to talk to his immigration lawyer. That was the only way of communication we had. 

Photograph by Kim Kyung-Hoon at the Tijuana-Mexico Border
    I will never forget the week that impacted my views and understanding on immigration. The intense sacrifice that parents make for their children to make a journey so dangerous. An even more risky journey is while you are in the States already. You have what you wanted, a job and a home and a family. But all of that can be taken away before you know it because of your immigration status. 

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution    

 When we were growing up, we did not think much about the environment. We saw bright greens, lush plants, and many colors. That was all that mattered to us when we were young. Now that we're older we have realized that the environment is not the same as it was when we were younger. If we look outside now, we will see trash everywhere, poor air quality, strange weather patterns, animal extinction, and much more. 

What Exactly is Environmental Pollution? 

According to Climate Change and Crop Stress by Poonam Yadav, Kalidindi Usha, and Bhupinder Singh, "Environmental pollution is unwarranted disposal of mass or energy in Earth's natural resource pool such as water, land, or air that results in long- or short-term detriment to the atmosphere and its ecological health to negatively impact the living beings and their life both quantitatively and qualitatively (Hussain 1998)." (Ch. 10.1) The effects that we may be able to see around us are land pollution: trash, water pollution: trash and oil, and air pollution: smog, fossil fuel emissions, etc.

What are the causes of Environmental Pollution?

The main type of environmental pollution in my community is air pollution, then followed by water and land pollution. According to The County of Los Angeles Public Health, the main causes of air pollution are the burning of fossil fuels. Motor vehicles are the main cause of this, especially in the city. Industrial facilities are also the cause of fossil fuel emissions. Both motor vehicles and industrial facilities release harmful gases, like carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and many more, into the air. Water and land pollution are caused by businesses dumping harmful chemicals or trash either in the water or on land which can cause serious health problems in the future. 

What are the effects of Environmental Pollution in my community?

Living in a city is doing more harm than good when it comes to our health. The air is one of the most heavily polluted natural resources of the environment in Los Angeles and one of the most dangerous if polluted. As we breathe in the air, we breathe in smog, fossil fuels, dangerous chemicals, and so many more harmful pollutants. Over time this can cause many health problems like asthma, lung disease, and other respiratory issues. Water and land pollution can contaminate areas where we live with toxic and hazardous chemicals. This can cause health effects like developmental disorders. This can also harm wildlife and can destroy their ecosystem, and in worst cases, species extinction.

Why Did I Choose Environmental Pollution as My Topic? 

I have learned about environmental pollution in high school, and ever since then, I have become more environmentally conscious. This topic has always interested me and I enjoy learning about it. I would like to live a life where I don't have to worry about my future or the future of the environment due to pollution. It is truly saddening to know how little respect humans have for the environment, so I would like to highlight the issues in hopes of inspiring others to change. 

What can be done to help? 

We can always switch to eco-friendly products to reduce our waste. Also, try to recycle as much as possible, this will help reduce water and land pollution. To reduce our contribution to air pollution, we can use eco-friendly public transportation services. If possible use transportation that does not rely on the burning of fossil fuels, but not everyone can afford this, so try to help in other ways. We can also stop supporting major businesses that contribute to environmental pollution in our communities. It might seem that doing these things won't help compared to all of the people who don't care about the environment, but change can happen slowly but surely, one step at a time.


Singh, Bhupinder. Usha, Kalidindi. Yadav, Poonam. Climate Change and Crop Stress. "Chapter 10: Air pollution mitigation and global dimming: a challenge to agriculture under changing climate." Science Direct. 2022.

(N.A.) Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. "Health effects of air pollution." Science Direct. 2004.

"Criteria Air Pollutants in Los Angeles County." County of Los Angeles Public Health.

"Pollution from Industries and Other Businesses in Los Angeles County." County of Los Angeles Public Health.

Gender Identity And Gender Roles/Stereotypes

Gender Identity And Gender Roles/Stereotypes

By: Carlos Estrada
April 20, 2022

What Is Gender Identity?

- Gender Identity is a personal conception of oneself being a male or a female, or maybe something in between. This is very closely related to the concept of gender roles and stereotypes.

What Are Gender Roles And Stereotypes?

- Gender roles refer to the role or behaviors learned by a person as appropriate to their gender and are determined by dominant cultural norms. For example, a girl who wants to take karate classes may be called a tomboy and risks gaining acceptance from both male and female groups. Boys, especially, are subject to intense ridicule for gender nonconformity. They face being criticized, bullied, marginalized or even rejected by their peers and in some cases, families and friends.

- A stereotype is a widely accepted judgment or bias about a person or group, even though it may not always be accurate to the group. A gender stereotype is the relatively fixed and overgeneralized attitudes and behaviors that are considered normal and appropriate for a person in a particular culture based on his or her biological sex. This can cause unequal and unfair treatment because of a person’s gender. This is called sexism.

How It Affects Me

- I grew up with an open mind and was always willing to take time out of my life to listen to people that weren’t being heard or were alone. I am a cisgender male, which means that my gender identity corresponds to my biological sex. This also means that my struggles are not the same as others who have struggled trying to “find themselves” or trying to be at a place that they feel comfortable and happy in. However, gender is so complex. It’s a set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts. Each culture has standards about the way that people should behave based on their gender. This also typically only refers to male or female. People do like to bring in body parts at time, but it’s more so about how you’re expected to act based on your sex. I myself have always been a little to myself and at times can be more feminine, wanting to partake in the activities of my female companions and not wanting to partake in the things that “guys” want to do; however, gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender through clothing, behavior, and personal appearance. It’s a feeling that begins very early in life. I present male and I do feel like a male, but I do not fit most gender roles and stereotypes assigned to me.


How It Affects The Community

- I am a child of two Mexican parents, which means I am Mexican-American. In our culture, the term “machismo” is often brought up a lot and is something expected of the males of the family. For the newer generation, we know that this term is more harmful. Machismo is a term originating in the early 1930s and 40s best defined as having masculinity and pride. It is associated with "a man's responsibility to provide for, protect, and defend his family". Machismo is strongly and consistently associated with dominance, aggression, exhibition, and nurturance. For this reason, the males of the family are expected to fit these descriptions, or gender roles. The women of the family are also expected to cook, clean, do laundry, and basically do the needs of the “man of the house” or the breadwinner, which is also expected of men. This is harmful to children that are taught that these roles are expected of them.

Whether it is enforced consciously or not, children grow up with the perception that men are the dominant, strong sex while women are the more emotional and vulnerable sex. By age six, children have formed a solid idea of how each sex behaves and how they should be treated. We especially see it happen with toys. Sometimes boys want to play with “girl” toys and are quickly corrected by the girls that its “a girl toy” and vice versa. This has also been a huge debate with clothes.

When puberty hits, the pressure to conform to these ideas influence the identity of these children. This can be confusing at times when a child may not feel comfortable in their gender identity but are forced to conform to what society tells them they should. We see it happen to many adults now that are coming out and talking about their experiences. How they weren’t happy with themselves growing up, but are finally able to come to terms with their gender identity and self-expression and are authentically becoming their true selves. The world is slowly becoming more accepting of different gender identities and self-expression that people are feeling safer and more vocal about who they are.  

In Elementary School, they always focused on separating the boys and the girls during sports, activities, and sometimes in the classroom, and I always thought it was unnecessary. I guess they believed that there would be some sort of unfair advantage/disadvantage between us? After taking a number of recent Child Development classes, I learned that they are now trying to focus on integrating both sexes more to allow for a more rich school experience and I think that this is a better way for all children to get familiar with their classmates, promoting stronger personal relationships, encouraging different learning styles, and letting go of "traditional" stereotypical gender views. Additionally, I think that putting effort to avoid gendered language and tasks can establish a more healthy foundation within children to hopefully correct some of the wrongs of the past. For example, teachers can ask for any sort of student who wants to help carry an item versus asking for a "strong boy" for help. Doing this can establish a neutral playing field for children of every gender and let go of the stereotypes associated with gender as a whole.


What Can We Do?

- We can fight gender stereotypes and roles. You probably see gender stereotypes all around you. You might also have seen or experienced sexism, or discrimination based on gender. There are ways to challenge these stereotypes to help everyone, no matter their gender or gender identity to feel equal and valued as people.

- Point it out. Magazines, TV, movies, and the internet are full of negative gender stereotypes. Sometimes these stereotypes are hard for people to see unless they’re pointed out. Be that person! Talk with friends and family members about the stereotypes you see and help others understand how sexism and gender stereotypes can be hurtful.

- Be a living example. Be a role model for your friends and family. Respect people regardless of their gender identity. Create a safe space for people to express themselves and their true qualities regardless of what society’s gender stereotypes and expectations are.

- Speak up. If someone is making sexist jokes and comments, whether online or in person, challenge them and correct them. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what is right.

- Try something different. If you want to do something that’s not normally associated with your gender, think about whether you’ll be safe doing it. If you think you will, give it a try. People will learn from your example.

- If you’ve been struggling with gender or gender identity and expectations, you’re not alone. It may help you to talk to a trusted parent, friend, family member, teacher, or counselor.




Goyal, Sonia. “The Harms of Gender Stereotypes on Young Kids.” The New Normal, October 25, 2020.

Lavigne, T. “Stereotypes and Gender Roles.” Culture and Psychology. MMOER, July 27, 2020.

“Machismo.” Wikipedia, April 19, 2022.

“Sex and Gender Identity.” Planned Parenthood, n.d.

Worthy, L D. “Gender Identity.” Culture and Psychology. MMOER, July 27, 2020.

Sexual Harassment & Violence on Women

"I think sexual assault and harassment and the fear of those things is a constant for most women, we just don't talk about it very much."

- Morgan St. Jean on her song, Not All Men 
in The New Nine Interview 


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that, "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment" (Facts about Sexual Harassment). 

Sexual harassment can turn into sexual assault very quickly, and both can happen to anyone not just women. The CDC says that, "sexual violence is sexual activity when consent is not obtained or freely given" (Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence |Violence Prevention|injury Center|CDC). 

Tea and Consent by Thames Valley Police


This topic has been pressing on my mind for awhile. It bewilders me how many women are harassed everyday in every situation imaginable. I've seen so many stories about women being harassed recently, so I wanted to shine a spotlight on this issue. 

When I was high school, I took the metro to school everyday, and one day, this man made a beeline to me while he grabbed at his private parts. Thankfully, the train was coming, so I was able to run onto the train. Looking back on the situation, it could've ended up much worse. 

As a woman, it's hard to feel safe to walk alone and especially at night. 


Fearful of wondering glances, 

suggestive gestures, 

men getting to close, 

asking questions,

grabbing their or our genital. 

They think that women are meant to be seen and not heard,

meant to be cooking not working,

meant to be small not big, 

meant to be apathetic not expressive. 

But men can catcall us, 

call us names, 

be violent,

and it’s all okay,

Boys will be boys, 

But when will it be okay,

For a woman to feel safe?

Fifty Shades Darker: Workplace Harassment by Boss  


According to Youth.GOV, Civic Engagement is "working to make a difference in the civic life of one's community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference" (Civic Engagement). The American Psychological Association adds that it's "the work for the common good" (Civic Engagement). 

These definitions are very close to mine. For me, civic engagement means going out in your community and somehow making a difference in it. My definition came from growing up with my mom and seeing her always helping the community in anyway she could. She even knows the names of all of our neighbors. 


By talking more about sexual harassment & violence on women, I'm trying to make a difference for my friends and family.


I think that one big way to help your community with this is to keep educating yourself and others on sexual harassment and violence. Additionally, make sure to actively listen to the ones around you who have been impacted by it, but don't try to force them to open up. They will talk about it when they are ready. This picture showcases some more ways to help your community with sexual harassment and violence. 

Picture from the CDC on their Article,

 Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence

Multi-Female Video by Multixfandom on YouTube

 using Morgan St. Jean's NOT ALL MEN   

Written by: Grace Jones


“Civic Engagement.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 2009, 

“Civic Engagement.” Civic Engagement |, Youth.GOV, 

“Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence |Violence Prevention|injury Center|CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 Feb. 2022, 

“Facts about Sexual Harassment.” US EEOC, 

“Fifty Shades Darker: Harassed by Her Boss.” YouTube, Binge Society, 29 Sept. 2020, 

“Multifemale || Not All Men ( TW: Sexual Harassment).” YouTube, Multixfandom , 8 Aug. 2021, 

“Tea and Consent.” YouTube, Thames Valley Police, 16 Nov. 2015, 

Treadgold, Emily. “Why Morgan St. Jean's ‘Not All Men’ Is so Important.” The New Nine, The New Nine, 6 Apr. 2021, 

Homelessness in Los Angeles is Increasing


Defining Homelessness

Due to multiple different circumstances, homelessness has been increasing in Los Angeles County. Many people have been placed in this situation not by choice but simply for hardships they experience throughout their life such as addiction, mental illness, unemployment, poverty, and lack of affordable housing. It can initiate with one major setback, causing other problems to take place, suppressing people in a situation from which they will never be able to recover. According to the Homeless Hub homelessness is " extreme form of poverty characterized by the instability of housing and the inadequacy of income, health care supports and social supports. This definition includes people who are absolutely homeless (those living on the streets, sometimes referred to as "rough sleepers"); shelter dwellers (people staying temporarily in emergency shelters or hostels); the "hidden homeless" (people staying temporarily with friends or family), and others who are described as under-housed or "at-risk" of homelessness."  


What is causing homelessness to rise? 

Researchers have recognized this issue has expedited in the 20th century because poverty has increased from the economy changing. The most recent Los Angeles homeless count concluded that 66,433 people are currently living on the streets, in shelters, and in vehicles. The homeless population has increased by 12.7% from 2019. Although more people are being placed in housing facilities the numbers continue to rise (Scott). The main reason homelessness is increasing is due to rent becoming unaffordable. Many people can barely afford to pay rent since they have to "...spend less than 30% of their income on housing costs. By that definition, none of the 1.09 million extremely low-income people in California, or those who earn less than 30% of the median income in their area, can afford to live anywhere in the state, according to a new study by the California Housing Partnership"(Matt Levin, Jackie Botts, and Manuela Tobias). These households are at high risk of becoming homeless because they find themselves spending about 46.7% of their income on rent when they should not be spending more than 30% of their income on rent. The average income in Los Angeles is $54k a year. In order to afford the average monthly rent individuals must have an income of $7,272 per month and make on average $41.96 an hour which is 2.8 times higher than the minimum wage in Los Angeles (LAFH). 

Mental illness and addiction are other frequent factors among people encountering homelessness. According to an investigation done by the Los Angeles Times, about two-thirds of the Los Angeles County's inhabitants living on the streets have a mental illness or substance abuse addiction. They found that "...20% of 37,000 people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles had a clinically diagnosed serious mental illness within the last 12 years, whereas about a quarter of Los Angeles’ homeless population suffers from any mental illness" (Matt Levin, Jackie Botts, and Manuela Tobias). Hardships such as poverty, mental illness, and addiction are factors that cause people to have fallouts which can be hard to recover from. 

Other Factors

  • Poverty
  • Low wages
  • Unemployment
  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Substance Abuse
  • Mental health issues
  • LQBTQ kids neglected by their family
  • Domestic and sexual abuse
  • Kids who come out of foster care


Reducing Homelessness

  • Housing: Providing people with shelter and affordable housing is significant since permanent housing is the most successful way to end homelessness. This is the foundation in which an individual or family can receive services and support to maintain stability, start their recovery process, and accomplish their goals.
  • Create Career Paths: Presenting courses that educate people about managing finances and job opportunities. It is one of the most beneficial ways to support people as they recover from homelessness increasing their opportunities in obtaining a meaningful and sustainable job.
  • Build Partnerships: Preventing and ending homeless needs the contribution of the federal, state, and local jurisdictions to build a strong partnership. 
  • Prevent Homelessness: Strengthening our ability to prevent homelessness must focus on housing stability, housing needs, and risks of homelessness. 
  • Provide Health Care: Having the proper health care is essential in treating and managing chronic health and behavioral health conditions which have an impact on people's competence in staying sheltered and achieving their goals. Also, supporting them with substance abuse and mental health to help them get their life back. 

How can we help?
  • Make cards to promote nearby homeless shelters
  • Donate clothes and hygiene necessities
  • Fundraise
  • Volunteer to help the homeless
  • Advocate 
  • Seek out job opportunities 
  • Campain and promote charity events
  • Form a partnership with an organization to help people experiencing homelessness
Personal Connection
This issue is important to me because I have noticed more people living on the streets around my community. Every week there is another individual camping out on the street trying to find a safe place to sleep. There have been situations where the police have to remove some individuals because they are a danger to society. Some people experiencing homelessness in my community are not mentally stable and they tend to disturb the public. I am aware they are not fully aware of their actions; therefore, they should be placed in centers that will help them rehabilitate. This issue affects me because sometimes I feel unsafe in my community because they have tried entering my property and attempted to get in my vehicle. I chose this social issue because it is necessary to help people experiencing homelessness to help them restore their lives and become thriving members of our society. Reducing homelessness in our community will reduce street chaos and street waste, provide the community with better opportunities, reduce public costs, and contribute to a better piece of mind. 


“Causes & Solutions.” LA Family Housing,

Levin, Matt, et al. “California's homelessness crisis — and possible solutions — explained.” CalMatters, 31 December 2019,

Scott, Anna. “Homelessness Rises In Los Angeles.” NPR, 12 June 2020,

“Solutions.” United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH),

“What is Homelessness?” The Homeless Hub,

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